Decrees Presidential Decree no. 208/19, of July 1st – Legal Regime of Crude Oil Refining Activities. Executive Decree No. 217/17 of April 10th – Approves the Technical Norms and Procedures for the Refining Activities. Decree Law n.º 17/09 of June 26th – Rules and Procedures for the Recruitment, Integration, Training and Development of Local Workers in the Oil Sector. Presidential Legislative Decree No. 05/10 of July 01st – Special Tax and Customs Regime for Sonaref Project Implementation. Presidential Decree No. 23/10 of April 01st – Removes, from the Alto Lobito Land Reserve, the Area Required for the Sonaref Project. Presidencial Decree No. 24/10 of April 01st – Land Rights to Land Parcels for the Sonaref Project. Presidential Decree No. 25/10 of April 01st – Deallocates from the Public Domain and Integrates into the State’s Private Domain, the Area for the Sonaref Project Implementation. Laws Law No. 10/18 of June 26th– Private Investment Law, amended by Law No. 10/21, of April 22nd .